Archiv für den Autor: nattens

VIDOM 109 out now!


VIDOM 109 ist out now! It contains an article of me. // VIDOM 109 ist jetzt erhältlich. Es enthält einen Artikel von mir:

„Stufe oder nicht Stufe – das ist hier die Frage!?“ (About the level of the viewfinderglas!)

Limited Edition of Leica Historica M Monochrom Camera

German Leica Historica e.V. just announced a special and limited edition of the Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246), especially for its members!

It’lll be engraved: „Leica Historica 1975-2015″. It also has the limited serial number on it. The finish of the M is silver chrome.

In Addition there willl be a special edition of the APO-Summicron-M 1:2/90 mm ASPH, also in silver. It has the special engraving too.

Please note these two fine pieces can just be obtained by the members of Leica Historicae.V.

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