Archiv für den Autor: nattens
Announcement of my Talk, April 1st at Leica Historica Meeting, Wetzlar
Today VIDOM 112 arrived with the announcement of my lecture at the next Leica Historica Meeting.
The meeting will be at Wetzlar on 1. and 2. April 2017.
The title of my talk is: „Leica und Exakta – zwie bedeutende Kamerasysteme im Vergleich“ („Leica & Exakta – a Comparison of two Major Camera-Systems“. The lecture will be in german, erverybody is welcome! See you next year in Wetzlar!
Leica Historica Meeting, April 2016
VIDOM 110 just arrived!
LUF-Meeting @ Sprocki-Town 28.12.2015 – Part II
Another LUF-Meeting @ Sprocki-Town 28.12.2015 – Part I
Exhibiton „ARTenvielfalt“ of the „Foto-Nomaden“
Opening of the Exhibiton „ARTenvielfalt“ of the „Foto-Nomaden“ at the Ökologiestation of Kreis Unna. http://ö
With b/w pictures of my Leica friend Hartmut Slomka:
The New Leica SL (Typ 601) – A Worthy Successor?
Leicaflex: the Development – by Georg Mann, 40 Years of Leica Historica
The amazing book of the founder and first president of German Leica Historica e.V. Georg Mann, specially for members of Leica Historica.
Hilla Becher Died on 10.10.2015
In memoriam Hilla Becher, most inflluence in german photography!